Saturday, 13 April 2013

FOI 2/ Attorney generals Department

CC:; quentin.o';
Subject: RE: FOI inquiry [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:58:57 +1000

Hi Andra,
Thank you for the FOI I received from you.
I now refer to  the following form which would have been manditory for Helen Daniels to fill out when she dealt with my complaint regarding the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia.
The complaint  contained extensive evidence of  systemic corrupt conduct by senior staff.
Under Freedom of information can you please supply me with a copy of the  Complaints register  form  wich would have been filed by Helen Daniels after dealing with my complaint.
I also am aware that you have CC Adam Jones who tried to intimidate me  by telling me that my complaint had no grounds when I first made contact with  the Attorney Generals Department.
Also as I am aware that the complaints by Mr Mirchevski  to the Attorney General on the corrupt trustee Paul Pattison that was being protected by the Inspector General in Bankruptcy Veronique Ingram was sent to the Attorney Generals Office which is separate from the Department  could you please help me with a contact phone number and email for them.
Thanking you kindly
Fiona Brown

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