Friday, 8 February 2013

letter from matthew Osborne ITSA

This is the letter from Matthew Osborne on behalf of the Prime Minister.
It was my intention to bring to Mr Rudd's attention the systemic Corrupt conduct at ITSA
Adam Toma  had sent me a letter attempting to intimidate me .
Bankruptcy Regulations apparently had reveiwed the matter and found the Official Trustee's conduct to be acceptable.
First I must point out S13(1) Code of conduct for Public Servants
 (1)  An APS employee must behave honestly and with integrity in the course of APS employment.

Now three years latter this is what really occurred.......................

Matthew Osborne is the legal Officer at ITSA who is advising the Senior Management at ITSA and private trustee's that they have the discretion to breach the Bankruptcy Act. The section is S134(3). However this section is limited and can not be used in the capacity this fucker is advising it be used.
It is also a breach of the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct to mislead the Prime Minister.
 (9)  An APS employee must not provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with the employee's APS employment.
Adam Toma intimidates anyone who inquires into the conduct at ITSA. He is also the National Manager Enforcement and Regulation. This fucker fails in his duties  to  have Bankruptcy regulation ompy with the AGIS He is also on the take and using his position at ITSA to make a profit on the side.
Mark Findlay was the Bankruptcy Regulations Manager who handled  this complaint. As you can see from my complaint to the commonwealth Ombudsman my evidence was extensive. Part of the complaint concerned Florence Choo who at the time was deputy Official Receiver NSW and Act.
At the time I was unaware that Mark Findlay had been fucking the skanky asian.
So how very funny it has all turned out.
I would understand it is a breach of the code of conduct S13 (7) to have been rooting the person you are investigating.
 (7)  An APS employee must disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or apparent) in connection with APS employment.
It is also a breach of the Australian Government Investigation Standards although Adam Toma fails to comply with these.

Adam Toma, Matthew Osborne and Mark Findlay all need a rake handle  rammed  up their arses

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