Saturday, 16 February 2013

Breaches of the Bankruptcy Act/Enforcement/regulation

Following is a question asked by Senator Williams to ITSA in May 2012.

8. It is intriguing that ASIC would move against a liquidator in Melbourne following
concerns about his capacity to adequately and properly carry out his duties, yet ITSA
cannot seem to take action against the same person as a bankruptcy trustee. It hardly
gives people confidence in the system. Would you like to see uniform laws in this regard?
ITSA has recently made an announcement concerning Mr Pattison's registration as a trustee.
As to uniform law, we note that an important stated objective of the Options Paper issued
by the Government in June 2011 is to seek input from interested parties to determine
whether it is appropriate that an aligned set of provisions be adopted for both the corporate
and personal insolvency regimes to inform the development of future reforms that will
ensure the maintenance of public confidence in the insolvency regime.
Veronique Ingram needs a big cock up her arse.
Considering the number of complaints that ITSA received about corrupt Paul Pattison ITSA clearly failed to comply with their obligations under the Bankruptcy Act.
ITSA also clearly has no adequate investigation policy to date. The National  Enforcement manager Adam Toma is on the take and using his position outside  ITSA  to intimidate people to  his advantage.
If ITSA identifies a breach ( or if they  can be bothered ) they have a meeting with Enforcement. This would be in the respective state in Australia. In NSW you would have a meeting with the skanky bitch Julie Padgett. This bitch from ITSA needs a cock up her arse. This is usually the end of the matter and it goes no further.
Enforcement is advised by Matthew Osborne to make a large  note of this  and ITSA's responsibility under the Bankruptcy Act is fully complied  with. This is a breach of the Inspector Generals  practice statement 14.
If you make a complaint to Bankruptcy Regulation( you are unable to make a complaint to Enforcement) the matter  is usually fucked over because Adam Toma has failed to have Regulation comply with any investigation standards.

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