Saturday, 17 May 2014

Letter to Veronique Ingram/ Objection to discharge

Australian Financial
Security Authority
GPO Box 821
Canberra ACT
14th May 2014
 RE  Continuance of David Cooper’s  Bankruptcy
Under S149B
Dear  Veronique
I refer to the following objection to discharge under S 149B of the Bankruptcy Act of which you are responsible for.
You are clearly aware  of the systemic corrupt conduct at AFSA or ITSA which the Commonwealth Ombudsman protected for you. You are also aware that Karin Fisher and  Commissioner  Sedgwick  protected this systemic corrupt conduct for you also.
Adam Toma who was the National Enforcement Manager and protected fraud in your Government Agency has now transferred to the Victorian Commission and Gaming Regulation so he can continue this practice.
Diane Merryfull  from the Commonwealth Ombudsman who protected  your corrupt practice is now the Tasmanian Integrity Commission where she can also protect corrupt practice in Tasmania.
Guilia Inga who signed the following objection to discharge was at the time NSW and ACT Official Receiver and has since resigned.
The objection to discharged  was made because David Cooper filed a false Statement of Affairs and tried to hide  a considerable inheritance he has received in  Israel.  Further to this Julie Padgett the  NSW Enforcement Manager at AFSA, Tibor Karolyi  who now works for Teyah De Vries and  Florence Choo tried to protect this.
The National Enforcement branch ( Adam Toma) deliberately mislead the Commonwealth Ombudsman  on  the practice of your Government Agency  protecting bankrupts who file false statement of Affairs.
As it appears that David Cooper has failed to comply with the Bankruptcy Act and failed in his obligations to pay his creditors  I request AFSA or ITSA  continue Coopers bankruptcy .
Although you have also  attempted  to have the Federal Police and Magistrate Lisa Stapleton  coverup and protect your atrocious practices at AFSA  , clearly  this will  also fail ultimately. It cannot be seen as proper practice for a Magistrate to protect systemic corrupt conduct in Government departments and therefore would be seen that there is ulterior motives for Lisa Stapleton to attempt this.
It is  your statutory responsibility to ensure that  the Australian  Financial Security Authority complies with its obligations.  You have clearly failed in this.

Please ensure David Coopers bankruptcy is continued under S 149B

Thank you

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