Tuesday 3 December 2013

Veronique Ingram , Adam Toma, Mark Findlay Matthew Osborne, Adam Toma Gavin McCosker/ Cheryl Cullen ITSA/ AFSA

Anyone who wishes to give evidence against any of the shonky senior Management of ITSA/ AFSA   named above please contact me.
 The trial will go ahead   sometime next year and I have asked the magistrate for 3 to 4 week with all of the above lining up to be cross examined.
If this shonky Government Agency has fucked you over  have your say and give evidence in court.
Although Senator Williams has a half hearted attempt at ITSA/ AFSA it clearly appears that it will be left to me to expose  systemic Corrupt conduct in this Government Department.
Contact me fionabrown01@hotmail.com and get in the list to expose them!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
Should be great entertainment for those  who enjoy seeing shonky Public Servants  squirm........................
 and what will become of the Corrupt Adam Toma who was National Manager Enforcement ITSA and slipped out the back door and thought he was going to make a fresh start at Victoria Commission Gaming and Liquor Regulation....... this is a message for you...... you can run but you can't hide from me......... see you in Court!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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