Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Visit and search warrant by the Federal Police/Adam Toma and ITSA's intimidation

Wow..... somedays are exciting and some are just plain boring..............
...... well today I sruck it lucky and was visited by seven officers of the Australian Federal Police who had a search warrant issued in the Downing centre and paid me a a three hour visit.
The Federal Police had received a complaint from Adam Toma at ITSA and all the other shonkey senior staff at ITSA who were deeply offended that by my comments on my blogs and were attempting to use the AFP as pawns to try and intimidate me.
What is particularly amuzing they took my computer away like I am a terrorist .!!!! Clearly I am no computer geek but everyone knows they did not need a search warrant and confiscate my computer to access my bloggs and look at my emails .............. Seriously!!!!
It is also amusing that maybe the AFP should have looked for any back up............ so if they think they have deprived me of evidence to use in court they should think again.

Eventually I declined to do an interview with them as I realized they were attempting to force some kind of ridiculous confession out of me . I reminded the good Police Officers that it was also freedom of speech to expose seriously corrupt conduct in Government departments and it was also in the Public interest and they appeared to be very uncomfortable in going down that road with me.
Eventually at the end I was asked if I needed to call anyone and............If I was likely to slit my wrists after they left..................
I laughed and said " not likely'

So very amuzing..................... I am sure ITSA would like me to kill myself so I cannot expose anymore but they should be made clearly aware that there will be subpoena for everyone at ITSA and the Commonwealth Ombudsman to come to be examined in court if it goes that far....... So make my day..........
And........ come kiss my ARSE!!!!

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