Monday, 4 March 2013


Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 09:39:18 +1100

I refer to the following email I received yesterday.
I wish you to again clarify what you have already told me.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
CDDA claims should be made to the Agency which a compensation claim relates. If in the case it is the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia ( ITSA) the claim should be sent to ITSA.
I find this peculiar considering the systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA is being not only protected by Veronique Ingram , Inspector General in Bankruptcy but also the Commonwealth Ombudsman , Australian Public Service Commission and now the Attorney General Department.
However,if it is correct that the claim must be sent to ITSA who will I address it to?
Under FOI could you please supply me with the names of the departmental officers authorised to make decisions if the claim is related to ITSA. Also please provide me with statistics on the number of CDDA claims made in the last 2 financial years and the number of claims that has been successful.
I am also interested what investigation policy applies to the CDDA scheme? Would a CDDA claim against ITSA be assessed according to ITSA's investigation policy?
Thanking you kindly
Fiona Brown

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