Meta Data, the AFP Commissioner and a whole lot of shit!!!!
So on thursday dinosaur Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin who obviously has no fucking idea about the internet said that the meta data that internet companies were now required to keep for 2 years would be used to track down people who pirated movies and music. Clearly this fucker did not realize that in fact copyright was not a criminal offence even though he holds the position of Top Cop in Australia.
Then on Friday Colvin backed down on his threat because someone had mentioned to him that this was actually none of the fucking AFP's business.
Considering that any hacker wanting to download pirated movies or music would use a proxy server in a far away country and therefore hide their tracks and anyone that has turned to "THE DARK SIDE" will do the same who is the AFP and the Australian Parliament think they are going to catch with these new laws??????
It appears Abbott is just sucking up to Obama and Colvin is just a puppet who has no fucking idea what so ever!!!!!!
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Wikileaks/ Suppression order
Here is where to go to find the suppression order.....**************************************************************/
Well done Jullian Assange for fucking over the system once again!!!!!!
WikiLeaks Suppression Order defies democracy
Thanks to revelations today by WikiLeaks, the wider world is now privy to an outrageous Suppression Order issued by the Victorian Supreme Court, writes contributing editor-at-largeTess Lawrence.
Fairfax Chairman Roger 'Rabbit' Corbett is as smoothly two-faced, metaphorically speaking, as an RBA polymer-coated Securency bank-note.
The polymer note is a CSIRO triumph. It is lighter than Teflon.
It is time Corbett did the right thing and stood down — either as Fairfax Media chair or as board member of the Reserve Bank of Australia.
Wearing the two hats on the one head is an untenable conflict of vested and invested interest.
Thanks to an explosive revelation today by WikiLeaks now the adults of the wider world are privy to an outrageous Suppression Order issued in the Criminal Division of the Supreme Court of Victoria.
Australians are forbidden by law, to know the contents of this Suppression Order.
You and I are disallowed to know what's going on. Or to know what deals are being done by our government in our name.
The Order is a continuum of the burgeoning daily denial of information to Australians on both state and national levels.
Independent Australia is aware of the contents of the Suppression Order but we are not allowed to share it with you, or publish it. I may have breached the Suppression Order by sending a copy of the Suppression Order to my managing editor, David Donovan. As contributing editor-at-large, I have a tacit obligation to report the truth without fear or favour. And to keep our readers fully informed and to treat you with respect.
This information has to be put in the public domain — where it belongs. Freedom of speech is a basic tenet of our corroding democracy. This is not esoteric nonsense. It is our raison d'etre. For me, journalism is my religion.
Our messenger colleagues are this minute risking their lives in Ukraine, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa, Gaza, Iraq, and other war zones of man-made horror and murderous acts, to bring us hourly eye-witness reports of our seemingly infinite capacity to kill, mutilate and wound one another in body and spirit. We are surely living proof of the fallacy of the intelligent design credo.
It would be utterly pathetic if we journalists of the home guard, failed to stand our ground on such trespassing as this insulting Suppression Order. It is tantamount to personal and professional cowardice. It is a violation of our collective rights.
I hope the Suppression Order will be contested.
It is these continuing attempts by governments to keep secrets from us, that gradually extinguish the flickering light of small candles held up to small truths.
The Suppression Order itself is under a Suppression Order. It is embarrassing. Facile.
It is judicial fundamentalism. It is grotesque government fundamentalism. Further, the Order is a blatant abuse of the separation of powers. In this instance, it is a repugnant legal device deployed for unjustifiable political reasons.
The Order masquerades itself under fatuous claims of higher ground long left untrod by this Government and its predecessor.
It brings insult to Australians and our false claims as champions of freedom of speech.
It spits on the notion of the courts and judiciary as the sanctuary and protectorate of justice — of a sacred dominion where we the people, regardless of our state or status, remain the first amongst equals.
The order is contemptuous of the court of public opinion.
Independent Australia has read the Suppression Order. There is no justification whatsoever for the Order. Not on personal, professional, political or national or international grounds. Nor, I imagine, on legal grounds. It is nothing more than political expediency.
The Order concerns subject matter that has already been widely canvassed and published — in both electronic and print media. Now, thanks to WikiLeaks, more so. It was a facile legal tactic that has now secured international exposure of the Order's contents.
Justice must not only be done; it must be seen to be done. Not done over.
Roger Corbett must be only too aware of this.
For some time, there have been serious concerns about Corbett's contentious roles within both Fairfax and the RBA. With valid reason. They are contradictory.
Fairfax's Walkley Award winning investigative team, Nick McKenzie and Richard Baker and colleagues, have sired a number of heavy duty exposés and scandals — not the least being the foreign bribery scandal involving Securency, then half-owned by the RBA.
Thus we have the situation of Caesar investigating Caesar and Caesar investigating Caesar investigating Caesar.
All the while, Caesar, inter alia Roger Corbett is not held accountable and nor does his role in both organisations come under scrutiny. It should.
There were sordid and wishful attempts to force Baker and McKenzie to reveal their sources.
After all, they did what the RBA and ASIC, the Victoria Police, the Federal Police and other police and Interpol all strangely failed to do — that is, investigate and expose the wholesale fraud, bribery and corruption unearthed in this Australian-spawned international corporate and sex scandal, that could provide a script for a James Bond thriller.
Independent Australia was unequivocal in its support and campaign for the journalists and the upholding of our Code of Ethics to resist revealing sources.
Eventually, McKenzie and Baker won the day, despite the fact that a well-funded legal gun was put to their heads.
In today's Sydney Morning Herald online – a Fairfax publication – Philip Dorling writes about theWikiLeaks scoop and a statement from its founder Julian Assange, who still remains in London's Ecuador Embassy, after he sought diplomatic asylum on June 19, 2012.
In a statement provided to Fairfax Media, Assange said it was
'... completely egregious to block the public's right to know and suppress the media in any instance, and especially in cases of international corruption involving politicians and subsidiaries of a public organisation.'Despite the legal implications WikiLeaks publishes this suppression order, as it will others, to uphold our values of freedom of information and transparency of government - the Australian people have a right to know, we work to ensure this right for them, even when their government tries to obstruct it.'
WikiLeaks suggests there has not been a comparable 'blanket suppression order' since 1995 when the Australian government sought to suppress publication by Fairfax Media of details of a joint US-Australian espionage operation to bug a new Chinese embassy in Canberra.
Assange argues that the Suppression Order, together with the Australian government's recent introduction of legislation to criminalise reporting on certain types of intelligence operations, is part of
'... an increasing trend in Australia of suppressing press freedoms for the sake of politics.'
Said Assange:
'The Australian government is not just gagging the press, it is blindfolding the Australian public.'
Despite the fact that the RBA sold its share in Securency last year, it still has a commercial arrangement with that organisation and still retains Securency's sister organisation Note Printing Australia Limited (NPA) as a wholly-owned subsidiary.
The Securency scandal is a turgid work still in legal and inter-country progress.
In rightly extolling the virtues of its polymer coating, the CSIRO points out that
'The substrate and the specially-developed protective overcoat prevent the absorption of moisture, sweat and grime so that the polymer banknotes stay cleaner.'
Sadly, even the attributes of the protective polymer overcoat will not overcome the grime and the slime of bribery and corruption and the wholesale fraud perpetrated upon the Australian people by some of Securency's key players and those who should have policed their conduct, including the RBA and its Board and Directors.
Suppression Orders are not the solution.
They are part of the burgeoning problem of contemporary politics, that fuels itself on lies and half-truths and seeks to fool some of the Courts some of the time and all of the people all of the time.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License
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Garth • 12 hours ago Thanks Tess. I agree with all you have said. Is there any better mechanism to erode confidence in a democracy than to remove valid information from the public domain - especially when that information relates to actions being taken on behalf of the Australian people (ie. government-owned/run entities). It is objectionable in the extreme. I haven't always agreed with Wikileaks methods but I have to support them on this one (and many others actually). It is just so ironic that we have a national government (and our AG no less) telling us that free speech demands that people have a right to be bigots and by doing so appeal to our populations most base instincts but when inconvenient discussions arise (such as this one), they hide behind the courts and a suppression order. Pathetic actually (and more than a little scary).ddt Ellie • 10 hours ago From a government stridently opposed to restrictions on the fourth estate when in Opposition and now backing up their principles...obviously not, unless you are Andrew Bolt.Ellie ddt • 10 hours ago My apologies - this is off topic, but I've just found this:
"Clive Palmer says the federal government's budget has crashed and he has
challenged Prime Minister Tony Abbott to hold a double dissolution or
implement a mini-budget."
Bighead1883 • 12 hours ago OK this is ALEC and ALEC controls the the US Congress both houses,both party`s.
ALEC controls the IPA who control the LNP.
Now why is the RBA even thought to be in there by anything other than there`s plans afoot to give up our fiscal Sovereignty otherwise this lot of globalists would not want bar of Roger Corbett.
Australia is Sovereign and we could have been doing Q/E as the US/EU/Japan and the UK but has not because all the others are owned by the 12 bank Central Bank controlled by the IMF.
Tess this expose` by Wikileaks shows why Assange is so wanted by Globalists,so to Snowdon.
Also Tess this is dangerous for IA as ALEC uses the CIA,the IPA use ASIO.
They`re planning to steal the whole country because once they have the RBA it`s game over for Aussies and we`re just like the other minions.Tess Lawrence Bighead1883 • 10 hours ago Dear BIGGY, I have to keep the acronym dictionary close by with you about !Re: Assange/WikiLeaks, it goes to show that you can shine a light on corruption even from self-imposed confinement, if you have the will and the courage - and access to the internet.What is dangerous about the Order, is that it pre-supposes what might be discussed in Court - and basically puts a blanket ban on things.I would have thought the presiding judge could intervene in public view and earshot, if he or she wished to do so. That way, the legal process is transparent. As it should be.What is being suppressed here ? Truth ? Or lies ?Isn't that for Justice to determine ? Through due process and not by shutting us down and shutting us out ?Bighead1883 Tess Lawrence • an hour ago I don`t know Tess as I`m not privvy to what is being acted out.
I`m making my assumption on what a person does as vocation and what board control they may have.
Now for someone with Newspaper links as being privvy to or part of inter government hush is bad enough but not unusual because governments {used to] contact the tabloids and ask for quietitude during and important security btreach etc.
Now it`s Corbett`s having a seat on the board of the RBA that lights up all my radar and my bullshit meter has maxed out as well.
The Grand Impostor to our PMship has stated that the Royal Mint is a privatisation proposal which is part of my "This is how they`re fuking doing this moment"
Australians do not know anything about our "Fiscal Sovereignty"
The US does not have it,neither does Japan,all EU Countries and the UK.
The do what the Central Bankers tell them.
Nuland,the US CIA controller [ambassador] has got Ukraine into war with Russia because the IMF will not give Petroshenko money to run government unless he bows to the IMF and commit to armed conflict.
That`s what not being a Sovereign country is all about.
No wonder half of Ukraine want to be with Russia.Twobob Bighead1883 • 22 minutes ago Precisely (and I am pleased that at least one person gets it).
I understand that it is hard to get your head around but it is the bankers (correctly referred to as banksters) that are at the root of governmental corruption. Central banks - OUR RESERVE BANK - is a privately owned entity. Profits are private - Central banks are a cartel that create money from thin air with keyboard keystrokes and then charge YOU compound interest to repay it.
This and the Ukraine business and the Coalitions budget are all part of an end game plot to seize as much of the worlds physical assets as possible before the rest of us wake up to what’s going on.
They already have our communications companies, they got our power generation, and our water supplies, they squeeze our lifeblood through overinflated home prices that they created through profligate lending practices.
They leech the blood from the working and sit back ever wanting more - no needing more. And collectively we stupidly comply.
Pedro Wilsoni • 12 hours ago Not hard to find the story. Thank god for the internets.But it is an old story that was already in the news ages ago, covering a period when Labor were in opposition...Why the secrecy now. Damage control from a government who is out of control and plummeting in the polls, perhaps?ddt Pedro Wilsoni • 10 hours ago You say polymer, I say wheat
Polymer, wheat
Potatoes, potatos........TechinBris ddt • 2 hours ago You do like to push their faces in their own shit don't you.
Yeah, I agree that the men, and a woman, deserve to have it done to them. They have such a excreteable moral compass, that froze and ceased to function from disuse, so long ago.
One only has to look back over their record in the Hansard to realise just how low this lot go, in their fight against a Just Democracy and the principles that define what it really is and not their parody of it, Fascism.
Well said.
WSherlockScottHolmes • 12 hours ago Good god, he's a slime. No wonder Fairfax is dying. Not quickly enough...rodmaxc • 12 hours ago Lets get the message out to Australians, by printing money to use as bribes these people ROB all Australians, to pay the bribe. Morals? these people have none, so understand the wealth eventually gets stolen from US the people.gypjor • 12 hours ago Sick to death of these lying, corrupt a@@,$oles. AWB, Operation Sovereign Borders, Woodside Petroleum,WMD.JohnB • 12 hours ago How right was George Orwell when [in 1948] he said:
“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”Orwell's statement unfortunately now has no ring of 'incredibility' left to it.We have sadly actually reached that stage - in that the truth-teller has to hide out in a foreign embassy in order to dole truth out to his nations citizens.Shirley Green • 11 hours ago Thank you Tess for such an excellent, well-written article on such a dreadful state of affairs. How did the Government get away with legislation to criminalise reporting on such matters? Scandalous.Tess Lawrence Shirley Green • 10 hours ago Dear SHIRLEY, you are very welcome. Thanks for the thumbs up and encouragement.TechinBris Shirley Green • 2 hours ago Good question. How did the Government get away with legislation to criminalise reporting on criminality?
WSherlockScottHolmes • 11 hours ago What are the going odds that despite his 'Tampa' moment, Abbott is plummeting in the polls?It is possible he'll get a boost, I admit... but... what do we think?jusme WSherlockScottHolmes • 10 hours ago I think the cheer squad that say the MH17 response is his finest moment are wrong.In truth, he has FINALLY been reasonably competant in handling a matter. Not great, just competant. Barely, there have been some gaffes and goings too far.Also, Abbott only appears competant because the non-coalition parts of government ARE mature enough not to score cheap political points on something so tragic and above politics.Pity the coalition didn't show the same maturity over asylum seekers risking their lives at sea, global warming and other important issues.That's what I think.
Abbotts only hope of sustaining any bounce he gets from this is tragedy after tragedy and showing a modicum of humanity at each. No chance of that and sooner or later people will be asking why he hasn't PREVENTED such tragedies. Already Qantas will fly over warzones because it's cheaper. Where is the government who owns 51% of it?biggagal jusme • 2 hours ago jusme 8 hours ago - I don't think Abbott has been "reasonably competent" in handling the plane crash and subsequent events - he has overreacted in the sense that 150 Federal Police is far too many - and how silly is he going to look when he has to sneak them, plus Angus Houston back home having failed in their mission. Now that the rebels have announced that they have planted land mines along every road leading to the site it would indeed be folly to force our Police etc. to venture there.
As you said it is a shame the coalition did not show the same maturity over asylum seekers, global warming and other issues - that is their problem - they are definitely a "one issue government" as when they were in opposition their one issue was to destroy Julia Gillard, no matter the cost or whether ANY accusation they threw at her had any truth in it or not.
(Please Marilyn save the reply criticising Julia Gillard - we have heard it all before.)
Abbott cannot show humanity because he has no soul and instead of wasting so much of our money and resources on this fruitless grandstanding, perhaps he could spend a bit more time on important things.
I feel very sad for the families of the victims of this disaster especially those whose loved ones bodies have not been returned - but sadly that is what happens in war. How many families of WW1 and WW2 Australians still don't know what happened to their loved ones.Ellie biggagal • 2 hours ago I think you are right, biggagal. This is a war - although the shooting down of the plane has not been stated as such, it has all the indications of setting up a war (especially if they've placed landmines around the crash scene).gypjor biggagal • an hour ago Totally agree with you biggagal on all your points.I am sure those who have lost loved ones in the plane would not want AFP families members to go through a similar grief
disqus_Vc3EY8Y25i jusme • 2 hours ago "Already Qantas will fly over warzones because it's cheaper. Where is the government who owns 51% of it?"In a scenario of disaster striking QANTAS over war affected routes the Australian Government could simply (through the court system) issue a suppression order. We would not need to know such a event had ever occurred?Lawriejay
Ellie • 11 hours ago Thanks, Tess. A great article. When the story broke in the MSM this morning, I spent quite sometime researching all of this. Thank you for such a lucid account.Tess Lawrence Ellie • 10 hours ago Onya Dear ELLIE, thanks so much. In your research, did you come up with anything that you'd like to post in another comment ?
Tess Lawrence • 10 hours ago Dear GARTH, thanks for your comment. This is indeed a classic example of why we need the likes of WikiLeaks. You make a number of important points. Spot on re George Brandis.What a fiasco this is. As if you can put finite borders on the internet. The authorities constantly try.
We must constantly resist.Tess Lawrence • 5 hours ago PM - Wikileaks releases suppression order which limits Australian reporting on bribery case 30/07/2014MARK COLVIN: We begin with a story widely available in other countries and all over the internet, but PM is legally prohibited from telling it to you.Here's what we can say: there is a suppression order that deals with 17 individuals.Names on that list include those of national leaders of other countries. We can't tell you who they are and we can't tell you what they may or may not have done.One man we can name, however, is Julian Assange.Will Ockenden reports: -Listen and read more: - • 2 hours ago To VPN to a foreign Server in an ethical Country, or to risk continuing to utilise open communications in a Nation with criminal Politicians and Businesses in charge? That is the question that acts like these, by our Government, make one seriously start to contemplate.
If they are willing to supress the information that Australian's need to know about their own Society's actions, done in their name, so they can make sure Justice is done, then really they really can't complain if everyone decides to hide their information from them, unless they are total, complete, hypocrital liars that is.
Oh.........Note to self, get VPN prices. This lot is only going to get a lot worse, before it gets better.
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